Learn Namaz online at Home

Learn Namaz online at Home

Learn Namaz online at your convenient schedule through our expert and qualified live Namaz tutors on software like Skype.
Namaz Online QuranTeaching Mudassar Academy

One to One Online Classes

We provide high quality learning through one to one online Namaz classes for both adults and children.

Best one to one online Quran classes available for the students who cannot go to the Mosque due to their own reasons. They can select their desired schedule and start learn to read Quran online today with proper tajweed and tafseer. Both male and female tutors are available for the convenience of students. We offer valuable educational courses such as reading, reciting and learning of Namaz with proper Qir’at and Translation.

Trial Classes

Get 3 days online trial classes absolutely free.

Why Learn Namaz with us?

One to One Namaz Class
Live one on one online Namaz classes with male and female Namaz Tutors.

Convenient time

Book your online Namaz classes at your convenient time and days.

Performance Report
Check your kid’s performance through our progressive reporting system.

Namaz Tutors
Expert Namaz teachers are available teaching in different languages.

Money Back Guarantee
We use secure payment methods like with money back guarantee.

Start 3 days free trial classes today.

1: Become our Member
Book Now and Give Details Click Here

2 : Make Schedule
Select Your Namaz Class Time and Days.

3: Start Learning online Namaz
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